A large focus of this project was learning branding and technical analysis. Starting with the technical analysis, I chose to dissect an electric filleting knife. I specifically chose the one above as it was D.C powered, meaning I could easily rig it to a Dewalt battery, as Dewalt was my chosen brand for the project. Creating a working model was not required, but was a personal choice.

Following the technical analysis, I performed a branding analysis on Dewalt that would help me design the new filleting knife.

I added the electric screwdriver to my analysis as it has a similar form factor to the filleting knife and may better carry over to the design than something like a drill.

Above is my task analysis. Now that I knew the function and brand, I decided on how I wanted it to be used.

Finally, I began sketching ideas for a new knife. I settled on three different designs, and ultimately chose the left most sketch render. Unlike the other two, this one features the 8v battery and trigger from the screwdriver, which I felt fit the form factor better.

I began the modeling stage with various laser cut models. I put them in users hands along the way and perfected the form according to feedback. This resulted in a more ergonomic form. Following that, I was able to add additional detail such as grips, branding, and ribbing for internal structure and components.

As I mentioned earlier, I choose to make as close to functional prototypes as I can. Shown above is the almost finalized 3D printed shell holding all of the old knife components as well as Dewalt components from a broken screwdriver that I bought on Ebay. I also designed a new motor bracket to fit the shell, as well as a new blade release mechanism.

Here is the shell fully assembled.

I started the painting process with a semi-gloss coat of yellow paint, as I was unable to acquire custom paint for this project.

I followed the yellow base coat with flat black Plastidip spray paint. I chose this as it adds a bit of texture that the regular spray paint didn't as well as has a slightly rubbery feel in the hand. It was a bit of a gamble but it paid off quite nicely.